ILIA ILIASHENKO (Илья Ильяшенко)
I am a research engineer at Inversed Tech. My research interests lie at the intersection of cryptography and computational number theory focusing on secure computation methods. More precisely, I study homomorphic encryption schemes based on Euclidean lattices, secure multi-party computation methods, interactive proofs and their applications to data privacy and integrity.
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On Polynomial Functions Modulo pe
and Faster Bootstrapping for Homomorphic Encryption
with Robin Geelen, Jiayi Kang and Frederik Vercauteren,
Proceedings of EUROCRYPT 2023.
FINAL: Faster FHE instantiated with NTRU and LWE
with Charlotte Bonte, Jeongeun Park, Hilder V. L. Pereira and Nigel P. Smart,
Proceedings of ASIACRYPT 2022.
Homomorphically counting elements with the same property
with Malika Izabachène, Axel Mertens and Hilder V. L. Pereira.
Proceedings of PoPETS 2021.
When HEAAN Meets FV: a New Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption
with Reduced Memory Overhead
with Hao Chen and Kim Laine,
Proceedings of IMA CC 2021.
Integer Functions Suitable for Homomorphic Encryption over Finite Fields
with Christophe Nègre and Vincent Zucca,
Proceedings of WAHC 2021.
Labeled PSI from Homomorphic Encryption
with Reduced Computation and Communication
with Kelong Cong, Radames Cruz Moreno, Mariana Botelho da Gama,
Wei Dai, Kim Laine and Michael Rosenberg,
Proceedings of ACM CCS 2021.
Faster homomorphic comparison operations for BGV and BFV
with Vincent Zucca,
Proceedings of PoPETS 2021.
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Homomorphic string search with constant multiplicative depth
with Charlotte Bonte,
Proceedings of ACM CCSW 2020.
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Efficiently Processing Complex-valued Data in Homomorphic Encryption
with Carl Bootland, Wouter Castryck and Frederik Vercauteren,
Journal of Mathematical Cryptology 14(1, Special Issue MATHCRYPT 2018): pp. 55-65, 2020.
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Homomorphic SIM2D Operations: Single Instruction Much More Data
with Wouter Castryck and Frederik Vercauteren,
Proceedings of EUROCRYPT 2018.
Faster Homomorphic Function Evaluation Using Non-integral Base Encoding
with Charlotte Bonte, Carl Bootland, Joppe W. Bos, Wouter Castryck and Frederik Vercauteren,
Proceedings of CHES 2017.
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Privacy-friendly Forecasting for the Smart Grid Using Homomorphic Encryption and the Group Method of Data Handling
with Joppe W. Bos, Wouter Castryck and Frederik Vercauteren,
Proceedings of AFRICACRYPT 2017
On Error Distributions in Ring-based LWE
with Wouter Castryck and Frederik Vercauteren,
Proceedings of ANTS XII,
LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics 19, A, pp. 130-145, 2016.
Provably Weak Instances of Ring-LWE Revisited
with Wouter Castryck and Frederik Vercauteren,
Proceedings of EUROCRYPT 2016.
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PhD Thesis
Optimisations of fully homomorphic encryption
supervised by Prof. dr. ir. Bart Preneel and Prof. dr. ir. Frederik Vercauteren,
KU Leuven, May 2019.
Other activities
FINAL library
The implementation of the FINAL fully homomorphic encryption scheme based on the LWE and NTRU problems.
Microsoft SEAL
SEAL is a C++ library realizing several homomorphic encryption schemes. My contribution to SEAL consists in the implementation of the HEAAN scheme.
CipherCore is a Rust implementation of the semi-honest SMPC protocol called ABY3.